Food/ Restaurant Website Design HTML - Codicgyan

Complete Responsive Website Using HTML, CSS & JS - Codicgyan

Responsive Website Using Html & Css

Hello Dear Readers, In this Post, I will show How to create a complete Responsive Food Website with HTML, CSS, and JS. Before that, I shared a post on How to make gaming Using Html5 and Css3. Now This time to create Food Website.

This Type of Food/Restaurant Website is used on websites like restaurant websites.

You already know that a Website is needed for everyone currently. So I thought to create this amazing complete responsive website I hope You will like it. You can create it when you know basic things of HTML, CSS, and Some Javascript. If you do not understand through Source code. So you can also watch through my Youtube Video.

About This Food Website :

On the {Food Website} There are six sections on the Homepage - Home, Dishes, About, Menu, Review, and Order Section. Which is more eye-catching when you hover on the sections. On the Homepage of this site, on the top, there is a navigation bar with a logo on the left side, and navigation links are on the right side. 

If you like this website and you want to use it in your websites, Projects, and wherever you want to use then you have to do some basic changes in the source code with your choice if you want to change the color, the image then you can. 

If you are a beginner you can use this Amazing design in your project and Websites. Or if you have some knowledge about php you can add it with your email. if anyone wants to contact you then it will show in your email.

If you like this post and want to get source code. Easily get the source code at first you have to subscribe to our channel. click this link CodicGyan Of YouTube Channel

For any doubts and queries, feel free to comment below or go to contact us page. Remember to subscribe to our channel. Do share the tutorial if you think it's helpful.

Download Source Code :

After downloading this file it is in the form zip format after that you have to extract the file. If you have any problem then contact us through contact us page.

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